Friday 16 March 2012

Does Language barrier make many citizen and immigrants in Universities feel helpless?


 Language and Communication systems are part of Culture, for example the sign of peace is used  across the world. Language difficulties impact not only information gathering, but also create barriers among people, Whereby we found English used as a tool of exchanging information in politics, business, and media, because is understood across the country. The purpose here is not to argue for or against the English language, but to show case the different barriers within students in University. As we known that University is composed of Inclusivity of diversity for example in south we have 11 official languages, but there are negative and positive impact on those language among people during interaction.
The impact of language barrier, for example where you find students who are in a three sharing room, but the two students speak same language, Wherever the other speak different language from the two he/she may  feel
. Isolated and feel like you not part of that people
.You feel stupid, seems you do not know anything
.You also become lost as well
In the other hand the positive impact of sharing same language lead to
.Sense of belonging, you feel like you are at home, and you feel like you not alone anymore.
.You feels the connection of the same culture and confidence
.You feels also proud.
We do find English as a medium to address the nation, and this does not mean that other South African languages are not used to address the nation, they are used in small communities that speak same language or they speak different languages but they able to understand each other, for example on etv this morning on Sunrise (15/03/2012), the minister of Correctional Service, Mrs Mapisa-Nqaku addressing the two prisoners that tried to escape at the Tshwane prison in their own mother tongue (Zulu).   


  1. In case of sharing a room, if your roommates are speaking the same languange and you don't understand them, its like you dont belong to that room you feel left out

    1. do you ask them to teach you or you ignore what they are saying.

  2. i think it is important to use one language in order to understand each other,for instance ,English must be used as a language in many institutions,especially in South Africa where we have 11 official languages.

  3. as we all knw English is a language that is used world wide. in class we all diverse n we are expected to use 1 language and i do not see anything wrong with that, even thou its hard for us to express our selves in english sometimes(our culture, upbringing and the type of school we went to)play a role in theway we express ourselves

    1. but we have to use those 11 official languages when we interact so that we can learn them, by using the skill of listening.

  4. i strongly agree with Mtho i have the very same problem my roomates are vendas so when they talk i sometimes think they busy talking about me.and when i suggest we use English they say they not so fluent in english

    1. lol why dont you ask them to teach you because i think is a big chance to learn VENDA,Ndaa

  5. i think is because english is the language used in different school to communicate so we adapt to language so that why we use it but most people seem to have that issue that if you can't uunderstand them is you on fault so i think using you own language to coomunicate with people that don't understand is just being selfish

  6. @grace, you are right.. using your own language to communicate with others is so selfish

  7. I think we all need to learn other's languages in order to be able interact with themand and make them feel accepted in any situation and for the help we'll need in future.

    1. thats good because if we ignore this issue of language barrier will remain so untill the years to come

  8. well one can feel isolated from that but the best way to go is to learn each other's language that will make life more interesting and easy

  9. English is a national languege is you know this languege the better chances to communicate with a large number of diverse audience.

  10. for us to be able to communicate we need to be diverse and accomodating,we do not have to just have believe that everyone needs know english in order to communicate,Africa is blessed with many languages that should count for something..
