Friday 30 March 2012

Lets celebrate Easter with joy
 Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day Christians Honor the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend on this day in fasting, prayer, sincere turning away in both the mind and heart, from self to God. Since the date of Good Friday is dependent on the date of Easter, it changes from year to year. Good Friday is a day of strict fasting and abstinence. Catholics who are over the age of 18 and under the age of 60 are required to fast, which means that they can eat only one complete and two smaller ones during the day, with no food in between. Catholics who are over the age of 14 are required to refrain from eating any meat, or any food made with meat on Good

Good Friday is celebrated with different churches in different way, where churches meet in certain places, for example the Nazareth Baptist Church who also known as (Shembe), they usually meet at Nanda in Durban, where they gather their prayers on top of the Mountain. The Zion Christian Church (ZCC) the church headquarters are at Zion City Moria, in Limpopo province where they usually meet, the church is led by Lekganyane family. Good Friday is a wonderful day for us, there is a reson to be thankful for. His death has given us life that is renewed and blessed .So we have to bear in mind the purpose to celebrity this day, by encouraging one another the message of not drink and drive, ask yourself such question who is driving you home ?, and lets spread the words of God in this Good Friday from 6 April until its fall.


  1. Good Friday is a good day to be celebrated.Is a day where many people go back to their hometown and churches and pray to make their home safe.Let those who are traveling to their places and churches to have a nice journey and please don't drink and drive.

    1. thanks lets spread the message of safety.

  2. i think people must know the meaning of good friday because most of people especially us (as the youth)we forgot what is the meaning behind the easter weekend.its time time to praise the god,its time to honor our god,its time where we celebrate his death and alive-again not to drink alcohol,not to party...

    1. inspiration words the youth of today they are ignorance in much of the things.

  3. @mthoko we all deserve to be happy, there must be after party for sure

    1. WE must only Drink responsible, and ask yourself WHO IS DRIVING YOU HOME

  4. We are going to celebrate it with joy but to me good friday means forgiveness.To be happy depends on an honest heart because you can not be happy if you hold gradues.

    1. Everyone has an individual reason of celebrating the Easter forgiveness is good because its able you to learn from your mistakes so that you do not repeat them. thnks for your comment

  5. I believe that we have to celebrate the life of the man who died for us and also embrace the love god has shown us in the past few years,people must be safe wherever they'll be celebrating this beautiful day and also drink safe,as you all know DRiNK and DRIVING kills,it does not make you "cool"enjoy...

    1. hope to knw where you will enjoy your Easter, look after your self

  6. This is the great holiday which means a lot to evryone. However, it should be celebrated responsibly ensuring that we come back from the holiday safe and healthy.

    1. if you found drunk while you are driving you will face the hands of justice

  7. The fact that Good Friday exists because Jesus Christ died for us should be spread to each and every individual so that they know why and what is it

    1. also give the information to the comming generation as you know that they believe what they tell by part of the family than, hearing from pastors on church, thanks for your comment.

  8. is a day that we thank jesus christ for what he has done for us and we remind ourselves and pray

  9. lets go to church enjoy our easter with our families drink less as it is the cause of accidents on our roads

  10. let us all have a joyful time with our families and resist the tempatation of drinking and driving as it cause accidents on our roads during easter time and those who go to church travel safely

    1. spread those words to others. thanks for your comment
