Thursday 23 August 2012

Does MTN still familiarising the name?

MTN still familiarising the brand by different adverts on
television. Picture Source:
 The MTN still becoming one man standing on positioning the organisation's  brand. According to Timeslive on 23 August 2012 "MTN SA, still reeling from the Iran cellphone scandal, is embroiled in a new bruishing battle, this time involving its legal department and a retrenched whistle blower.What draw my attention here is how MTN position their yellow brand colour on advertisement. The temperature did change once off this year August in South Africa where by we saw MTN using the Snow as their scheme contrast.Many organisation found it difficult to position themselves if there is crisis management in the organisation,the reason may be that the organisation still experiencing growing processes,but organistion like MTN have their edge. Looking the whole story of fraud which also involve its internal and external stakeholders on not doing their job in co-operative form. The MTN SA still providing their target audiences what is best,building new relationships and sustaining the name MTN,  by Familiarising the name in a continuous repetition of the name, especially in media coverage.This supportive relationship strategy or used by MTN SA on channelling their message,look how MTN top eight (Wafa Wafa) gives MTN publicity when reporters and commentators describe the competition everything is Dial, is how two way communication takes place. for more


  1. MTN is indeed building its brand by the way it's positioning itself all over the world. And all their adverts are interesting and have understandable messages to the audience

  2. That`s just the way it is Trot,if the media always repeat your name,what you get is publicity but then it depends on whether the publicity you get is positive or negative.Brands like MTN wil always be strong because they got good publicity right from the start

    1. very true. MTN has been getting good publicity from the start and they are really doing more to sastain it.

  3. I love MTN, I hope it finds a way to reposition its brand through communicating effective ways that it will establish to convince customers that even through the cellphone scandal it is a brand worth sticking to.

  4. I like MTN, you will nevr find the customers of MTN complaining abiut it brand

  5. that how it should be i really can say MTN is a proactive company they always one step up with their competitions

  6. Its only MTN an Vodacom make things in the cellphones network.And its a big competition between the two,so i wpould MTN is doing its best to stay on top and they have been doing an outstanding job since their existance.

  7. I can say MTN is one of the organisations with a fast growing brand, sales and audience. Look at how they sponsor, the regular advertisement, competition and community social investment they familiarise their selves with.

  8. yea trot mtn is one of the big organizations who able to place their "corporate brand strategy" in accordance, their competitor (vodacom) seem to loose/to take second position as mtn sa is taking over: in sport you can mtn,in art&entertainment you can find mtn(interms of sponsorships)

  9. MTN has built a brand from themselves and with their latest advertisements, they have being able to attract a lot of audience and clientele. And they also sponsor a number of events and programmes. MTN has done well in positioning themselves as a trusted and loved brand to its stakeholders.

  10. they have build a strong brand for themselves and they still attract people as they are still building a brand with the sponbsorships the adversts they are still going strong

  11. MTN is one of the organisation that really know how to position their brand and by the looks of things this is working very well for them..... MTN is a well recognised brand

  12. mtn is one of the best organisation who knows and resalise the importandce of pr.
